Der Annual Movie-Plot Threat Contest

April 12th, 2008 § 0 comments

von Bruce Schneier hat bei mir schon in den beiden vergangenen Jahren große Freude hervorgerufen. Auch diese Jahr gibt es einen. Dieses Mal mit der Aufgabenstellung:

For this contest, the goal is to create fear. Not just any fear, but a fear that you can alleviate through the sale of your new product idea. There are lots of risks out there, some of them serious, some of them so unlikely that we shouldn't worry about them, and some of them completely made up. And there are lots of products out there that provide security against those risks.

Your job is to invent one. First, find a risk or create one. It can be a terrorism risk, a criminal risk, a natural-disaster risk, a common household risk -- whatever. The weirder the better. Then, create a product that everyone simply has to buy to protect him- or herself from that risk. And finally, write a catalog ad for that product.

Der Contest läuft noch bis zum 1. Mai. Details kann mensch hier finden (In den Kommentaren sind schon ein paar gute Ideen, auch wen diese nicht mehr mitmachen darf).

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