more boardgames with more furries – 21.07, 14h

Juli 16th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

it's that time of the month again. we still wanna be your fwb (furries with boardgames), so join us this sunday for another boardgame afternoon!

there'll be a stack of boardgames, coffee and tea, and your favorite nerds and geeks.

date&time: sunday 21.07., from 14:00 onwards
location: maschinenraum

Liminal CSS Space – navigate stylesheets together

Juli 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

To everyone!

Do you want to know how to improve designing for the web? How to make your site accesible to different groups using responsive CSS stylesheets?

Come and discuss you web projects today at the "Liminal CSS Space" workshop by the maschinenraum initiative. We welcome you with vegan snacks and advice in the maschinenraum on the second floor of the M18.

Happy to see you there!

yours truly, maschinenraum


let’s be fwb – campus pride boardgame afternoon at maschinenraum

Juni 16th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

join maschinenraum & queerymr for a boardgame afternoon - it's campus pride week and we wanna be your fwb (furries with boardgames)!

there'll be a stack of boardgames, coffee and tea, vegan cake and your favorite nerds and geeks.

date&time: sunday 23.06., from 14:00 onwards
location: maschinenraum

mausis <\3 maschinenraum

Februar 14th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

nach zähen verhandlungen haben wir einen kompromiss mit dem kammerj...äh den mäusen getroffen und der maschinenraum kann wieder von nicht-maus-wesen genutzt werden.


following lengthy negotiations, we have reached a compromise with the extermin...uh, the mice, and maschinenraum is accessible for non-mice once again.

vorübergehend geschlossen

Januar 30th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Der maschinenraum ist vorübergehend geschlossen. In Folge einer revolutionären Erhebung aus dem Untergrund regieren im Haus jetzt die Mäuse und haben uns Hausverbot erteilt. Wir halten euch mit weiteren Entwicklungen auf dem laufenden.


maschinenraum is temporarily closed. Deep underground, the mice plotted revolutionary action, and now they have taken over the house and kicked us out. We'll keep you informed about further revolutionary or counter-revolutionary developments.

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