Bitcoin Vending Machine – Exchange Euro coins for Bitcoin (wallets)

Juli 15th, 2012 § 29 comments § permalink

Artwork: Max F. Albrecht: "Bitcoin Vending Machine". Weimar, 2012. Produced in the Fine Art project "Panta Rhei" at the Bauhaus-University in Weimat, mentored by Prof. Norbert W. Hinterberger and Naomi T. Salmon.

A mechanical vending machine exchanging 1€-coins for Bitcoin.
It works using the service which provides a Bitcoin wallet with a web interface not unlike an online banking account, but much simpler. The only way to access the account is through a secret link, which is received in exchange for the 1€-coin.
Opening this link in a web browser, the costumer can instantly send this 1€ (minus material costs) to another Bitcoin user, for example Wikileaks.

(There is also an announcement on bitcointalk)

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Update, 18.07.2012: Some more work-in progress pictures. I will add some better pictures of the receipt when I find them, so you can see it in fact has a QR code :)

Update 23.07.2012:

Update 25.07.2012
The Bitcoin Vending Machine Project can now supported with donations of bit coins :)
All received coins will used to build more advanced versions of this with open source software (and some open hardware).

Donations: 1EuroXwViyd9vSpu2yX9eDa3q6zQ7sB5NL (Blockchain)

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Hello world!

April 10th, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink

Der Maschinenraum-Blog ist gerade eben umgezogen, auf dem Wege der Export-Import-Gesellschaft scheinen keine wichtigen Daten abhanden gekommen zu sein. Im Moment ist auch die alte URL noch zu erreichen und es liegt alles ein wenig unordentlich herum, aber dafür können wir mit dem guten Gefühl eine .tk-Domain gekauft zu haben ins Bett gehen.